
LifeTimeLine.ca - How to Signup / Frequently Asked Questions


How do I sign up?

Simply follow the instructions through our availability tool or relevant order form and our systems will provision voip services within 24 hours. 


How can I tell if Unmetered Internet service is available in my area?

Availability Tool usually responds in realtime with service availability data including one-time VoIP Free Cities. You will need to provide your address (preferred for service options sake) or phone number so we can check if you qualify. 


Can I transfer my existing number to Unmetered Internet?

Yes! You can transfer your existing phone number to Unmetered Internet. This process is called "Porting". If you do not have an existing number to transfer we will assign a new number for no extra cost.


How long does it take for my line to become active?

The average activation time for our phone service is 7 to 10 business. All new orders which require number porting will not begin until after the required paperwork has been returned to us.


When should I contact my existing phone provider if I'm transferring my number to Unmetered Internet?

Do not contact your existing phone provider until after your number has been successfully transferred to Unmetered Internet. Cancelling your existing service any earlier can result in your number being lost.


Will my existing phone service continue to function until my scheduled setup day?

Yes - your phone service will continue to function until we transfer your number to Unmetered Internet. Make sure you don't cancel your current service until after this date.


Will transferring my phone number disrupt my existing DSL connection?

If you are switching to our landline phone service, please write notes in the "Comments Box" at time of checkout regarding pre-existing DSL connections to ensure there is no disruption in service. If you are transferring to our digital phone service you will need to have your provider setup your DSL on a Dry Loop. Why not switch to the UnmeteredInternet bundle and let us offer you our own DSL at the lowest advertised price available!


Will transferring my phone number disrupt my existing dial-up connection?

If you are transferring to our landline phone service, your existing dial-up will continue to function. If you are transferring to our digital phone service, then your existing dial-up will not be compatible.


What phone features do I get with my Unmetered Internet home phone?

At Unmetered Internet we don't believe in making you pay high prices to add extra phone features to your line. Our phone lines include all the phone features listed below at no extra cost!

  • Call Display
  • Call Waiting
  • Visual Call Waiting
  • Call Transfer
  • Call Answer
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Voicemail
  • Enhanced Voicemail (*digital phone only)
  • Call Forwarding
  • Three-Way Calling


What extra features are on my line that I should be aware of?

All phone lines include touchtone service and 911 availability.


If I move, can I bring my line with me?

So long as wherever you're going has reliable Internet connectivity to sustain VoIP communications. Please don't forget to update your E911 information.


Will Unmetered Internet expand to more cities?

We are working hard to bring our service to as many cities as we can. Remember to check out website often for more information on expanded coverage areas!


What payment methods do you accept, and how often am I billed?

Unmetered Internet phone service are billed on monthly, annual or triennial terms. PayPal, Credit Card & More... Payment method logos in footers of all Unmetered Internet site pages. Specialty long distance charges are billed by carrier : Credit Card only.


Can I cancel at any time?

Cancellations will not be honored by electronic mail, fax or postal mail. If you're leaving for an extended period of time but would like to resume service at a later date, you may opt to have us suspend your account until you return. All cancellations must be done through ClientArea self-serve immediately or end of billing period.


What is VoIP (Voice-Over IP)?

Voice over IP (VoIP) is a methodology and group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet. Other terms commonly associated with VoIP are Internet Phone, IP telephony, Internet telephony, broadband telephony, and broadband phone service.

Why VoIP? Why not just keep using my regular phone?

VoIP (Voice over IP) is a type of phone service that works on your internet connection instead of traditional phone lines. It costs less in infrastructure and maintenenace, mainly because it is maintained on the same line as your internet. If you have internet, you can use VoIP. Skype and many others use VoIP technology to connect family, friends, colleagues, and businesses all around the world. It is new, yet still powerful.

Worried about needing a different phone? Don't. All you need is a VoIP Adapter to connect your land phone to the internet. Want to use your VoIP service outdoors as well? Sure. That nifty little smartphone in your pocket can do the trick with a variety of free and premium apps found in it's app market like the App Store or Google Playstore.